Sabtu, 27 Juli 2019

Menulis itu Indah : Pengalaman Para Penulis Dunia - Albert Camus, dkk

Kode Buku : TBB076
Judul : Menulis itu Indah : Pengalaman Para Penulis Dunia
Penulis : Albert Camus, dkk
Genre : Esai
Bahasa : Indonesia (terjemahan)
Tebal : 250
Tahun terbit : 2018
Harga sewa : Rp 5.000,-
Lama sewa : 7 hari

1 komentar:

  1. For intricate geometries, sharp corners, unparalleled put on resistance, excellent cutting speeds and machinability, copper tungsten is the fabric of choice. Eddy Direct CNC current testing is a vital methodology of nondestructive testing that is typically used to inspect for flaws in the floor or sub-surface of metallic materials. Calibration standards for units and gear used in measuring, inspecting, and manufacturing of precision metallic parts can pose some unique challenges. GD&T tolerances provide manufacturing steerage that should balance the need to|the necessity to} make a part practical with the need to|the necessity to} produce the half cost-effectively. While automation performs a growing role in precision machining, lights out operation remains to be more a fantasy than a actuality for most small half manufacturing.



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